Daily Archives: April 4, 2016

1 post

Big Things

Seen in places in Shenandoah National Park and elsewhere on the Blue Ridge this past month…

Big Fish – Don’t know what it is, but we’ve been catching lots of better-than-average-sized brook trout lately. Maybe it’s due to the past couple years of good rainfall.



Big Rock Piles – Don’t know what it is, but sometimes we find these stacks of rocks. Do they mark good fishing spots? In this case (and in the case of the ones in my neighbor’s yard… been meaning to ask her about those), I can say no. And some don’t like seeing these things in wild places… probably with good reason.


Big Critters – One of the two badass spiders we saw (dark fishing spider?).


Big Little Flowers – These (some kind of bloodroot?) look big when the camera is in macro mode anyway, eh?


More Big Fish – And fish can also look plenty big in macro mode, eh?

