Daily Archives: February 12, 2013

2 posts

Susquehanna River Impairment

The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission is having a disagreement with the state Department of Environmental Protection about the condition of the Susquehanna River. The PFBC says the river is in trouble and should be listed as “impaired,” which will put the river on a “pollution diet” and begin to address the problems. The DEP says there is no proof that the river’s problems are caused by any specific environmental issues. If you read the second link above, it sounds like the DEP may be waiting on more data from USGS and others before it moves on this issue.

We’ve had similar issues in the past seven years or so on the Shenandoah, James, Potomac and other large rivers in Virginia and Maryland. These issues with fish kills, lesions and intersex bass all seem to be caused by a bad combination of environmental factors. So when the DEP says they have no evidence to zero in on specific causes, they are probably correct — technically. And this, of course, misses the whole point.

If you live in Pennsylvania and are concerned about the health of the Susquehanna, read the articles above and contact your representatives.

Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission Trout Stocking Site

The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission’s trout stocking info site is a great way to search for where they plan to stock fish in the near future. You can search by county, see the dates, types of fish and the hatcheries used to source each stocking. This is very detailed. I know here in Virginia we “chase” this info on the VDGIF stocking websitePFBC after the stockings have occurred, and what the PFBC has done is much more useful for planning. I’ve updated the Brook Trout Fishing Guide resources page with this link.